My Journeys Behind The Orange Curtain

Despite warnings of Orange County on television from "The OC", "Laguna Beach", and "The Real Housewives of Orange County", I laughed in the face of it all, daring to venture deep, deep behind The Orange Curtain.  This is the award-winning series of undercover exposés that dare to explore the untamed planned communities and the natives who live in The OC.  Follow the Hummer...

My Journeys Behind The Orange Curtain - Laguna Beach 2007 (Page 1)
My Journeys Behind The Orange Curtain - Real Houses of The OC, Part Deux (Page 2)
My Journeys Behind The Orange Curtain, Part Trois-Knott's Scary Farm (Page 3)
My Journeys Behind  The Orange Curtain, Part Quatre-Indigenous Winter Solstice Ritual (Page 4)
My Journeys Behind The Orange Curtain - New Year's Eve Ritual Along the Savage Border (Page 5)
My Journeys Behind The Orange Curtain - Indigenous Birth Rituals of The OC (Page 6)
My Journeys Behind The Orange Curtain - Celebration of The Dead/Crystal Cove (Page 7)
My Journeys Behind The Orange Curtain - Jewish Seder In the OC (Page 8)
My Journeys Behind The Orange Curtain - The Mysterious Ancient Caves of the HOA (Page 9)

My Journeys Behind The Orange Curtain

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Contact photographer/musician Ken Lee

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