PhilPhest 2007, Page 1 of 2

Every year, Phil O'Keefe hosts a barbeque, inviting a bunch of friends, out at his home and recording studio. This year, a little rain kept away a few, but luckily, the weather held. Cereal made some mouth-watering carne, and everyone brought food and drinks and musical instruments.

Daklander kicks off the PhilPhest 2007 festivities with some fine songs.

Jeff da Weasel and Programgirl outside Phil's Sound Sanctuary Recording Studios.


Cereal relaxing.

Toxic Potatoe accompanying Dak with some slide guitar action.

Phil, Franknputer, Program Girl, and Jeff da Weasel check out some photos.

Mrs. Toxic Potatoe and Stompboxman study the band's improvisations intently.

Rumspringa and Foxtick.

Franknputer wins the dedicated PhilPhest attendee award, flying out from Virginia for the barbeque, and flying back the same day.  He wouldn't get back home until noon the next day, essentially having a 48-hour day!!

Hangin' in the recording studio lounge Foxtick, Songrytr, and Phil's daughter's boyfriend Will.

Doc from Avant Electronics enjoying a glass of wine in the lounge.

After some delicious melt-in-your-mouth carne asada, the band goes electric.

Toxic Potatoe and Bunny hold it down.

PhilPhest 2007 - 22 September
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