Peering at the Pier:  Last Glimpse of the Old Santa Monica Ferris Wheel, California
3 May 2008 - Page 2 of 2

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Humphreys plans to incorporate the sea saltwater-battered wheel into an Oklahoma City mixed-use commercial/residential community in the next several years.

The Ferris wheel making Saturday night a little more fun on the pier.

Pacific Park, with its lights and games, can take on a surreal atmosphere at times.

The ocean, the setting son, walking on the pier, and arcade games can make for a fun Saturday evening, as people from Los Angeles and all over the world come here to try and win stuffed animals and eat seafood.

A vendor gazes out at the Santa Monica skyline.



The Pacific Park roller coaster passing the giant wheel on the Santa Monica Pier.

Lorenzo took this gorgeous photo of the Pacific Wheel.

Mi novia y yo (foto de Lorenzo).

A fisherman's Saturday evening catch, casting off from the pier in the warm glow of the Pacific Wheel. 

Although I doubt it was the fisherman's catch, Lisa, Lorenzo and I were famished after an evening of photography, and walked over to Bubba Gump's to cap off the evening.

Some of Lisa's photos can be seen on her Facebook Page.

Peering at the Pier:  Last Glimpse of the old Santa Monica Pier Ferris Wheel, California
3 May 2008 - Page 2 of 2

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