Working Off Thanksgiving Dinner at Point Mugu State Park, CA 27 November 2009

Lisa and I had our family over for Thanksgiving dinner.  The next day, we went on a ten-mile hike to work off the holiday debauchery.  I had been to Point Mugu State Park before, walking in the steps of the Chumash, up a steep 7000 year old trail.

These photos are not technically as good as they could be do to snafus and poor settings, but they're still enjoyable.

Creek in Serrano Canyon, Point Mugu State Park.

Lisa on the spine of the Bony Mountain Trail, Point Mugu State Park, near the Pacific Ocean.

Cabrillo explored the area in 1542 and mentioned the village of Muwu, Chumash for beach.  If Mugu, the name of a point, a rock, and a lagoon in the area, is derived from muwu, it may be the oldest recorded name of a California location in existence.

Lisa on the spine of the Bony Mountain Trail.


Bony Mountain Trail, Point Mugu State Park.

Boney Mountain Trail.

Boney Mountain Trail, hiking towards Sycamore Canyon.

Sage along the Boney Mountain Trail, hiking towards Sycamore Canyon in Point Mugu State Park, part of a ten-mile hike Lisa and I did.

Sure, I had taken photos of the tops of cacti before, but it was so fun that I couldn't resist doing it again.

Looking down into Sycamore Canyon from the top of the Big Sycamore Canyon trail, Point Mugu State Park.

Looking down into Sycamore Canyon from the top of the Big Sycamore Canyon trail, Point Mugu State Park.

Along the Sycamore Canyon trail, Point Mugu State Park.

The glowing sycamore trees in the sun's last light.

Sycamore Canyon Trail, Point Mugu State Park.

Sycamore Canyon, Point Mugu State Park.

The moon from Sycamore Canyon, Point Mugu State Park.

Sycamore Canyon Trail.

A wabbit stood as if he were posing for the photo as we neared the beach.

We scampered under the low bridge, under Pacific Coast Highway, to get to Sycamore Cove, across the road from Sycamore Canyon, just in time to catch the setting sun, before heading south on PCH to The Reel Inn to enjoy some fresh fish.

Pt Mugu for Thanksgiving

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