34th Occasional Pasadena Doo Dah Parade, May Day!
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The Doo Dah Parade in Pasadena was originally formed as a ridiculous antidote to the traditional formalized affair of the Rose Parade. But you knew that, didn't you?

But did you know that the Doo Dah Parade has gone east for the first time, like, ever?  Ever? 

And too, the Doo Dah Parade started in 1978 from Chromo's Bar.  I thought it was older than that.  I was wrong.  But that's okay.


This guy has a revolving camera that spins around him.  He calls it the Egocentriccam.

I joined founder Jeff Boynton, his wife Mona, Professor Cantaloupe, and the other fun members of The Highland Park Thursday Evening Gentlemen's Society Circuit Bending Marching Band And Ladies Auxiliary at his home.  He has an extensive collection of circuit-bent toys and Roland MicroCube amps.

We skronked.  We buzzed.  We banged.  We went WHREEEEEOOOOOORRRRRREEE. 

Jason stuffed us in a white van full of amps and weird jacked up toys, drove us down to E Pasadena, and let us loose.


Bob.  His name is Bob.  He plays circuit bent toys.  He is Bob.

My name is Ken.  I play an optical theremin.  See above. I am Ken.


The Queen of the Doo Dah Parade and her court.  This queen's court has bullhorns.

Professor Cantaloupe, strange visitor from another dimension, a dimension of sight and sound.

The Highland Park Thursday Evening Gentlemen's Society Circuit Bending Marching Band And Ladies Auxiliary gets loose.


It's a bad time in the economy to be a teacher.  And it's really bad in California. Cheesed-off pink-slipped teachers of California tell it to the world.


This ain't the real Dr. Demento.  What'd you do with 'im?

Schools across California have cut music programs, fired music teacher, and generally effed things up. 

But we of the The Highland Park Thursday Evening Gentlemen's Society Circuit Bending Marching Band And Ladies Auxiliary reversed that, yes we did, but giving kids the music education they deserve. 

This child lights up from the sheer joy of playing a circuit-bent toy.  Yeah.

Saw him at Topanga Earth Day.

Mona and her furry friend.


Bella finds out that you can get a lot of funny money from evangelical Christians.

I Am Cupcake.  Eat Me.

I marched in the parade.  I had a pretty dress.  And a pretty yellow hat. 

I forgot to have my photo taken at the Doo Dah Parade this year.  It happens. But you can still see how pretty I am, for this is me at the Highland Park Christmas Parade

Drink it in.

Doo Dah Parade, May 2010
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