Our Backyard Garden:  A Ten-Minute Tour
27 March 2010

Spring 2010 looked good in our back yard.  Things were blooming.  We'd just gone to the Huntington Gardens the weekend before.

I figgered I'd give myself a fun photographic assignment: photograph the back yard in ten minutes with a little point-and-shoot Leica, shooting in the "pinhole" setting.

Buddha meditates beneath the Juniper tree.

The gnome contemplates his navel amidst the ceramic mushrooms.

Beethoven conducts a beautiful backyard symphony.

Grapefruits hang from the tree branches.

Succulents greet the morning sun.

Elephants carry potted plants.

Quartz bends the rays of the sun.

Willie the three-legged cat basks in it all.

Geek stuff:  all photos shot in ten minutes with the Leica DLux 4 using the "pinhole" scene setting.

Our Backyard Garden
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