Joshua Tree National Park, CA: Cary's Castle, Hidden Valley, Night Sky, Light Painting, February 2013
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Sunday 17 February 2013 continued:
After our day of rock scrambling for something like nine miles, we were in the mood for more casual walks. The 2-mile loop around Split Rock fit the bill. Woulda loved to have had Mark Wheeler around to describe what was going on with this rock formation here.

This photo was taken near the end of the loop, the strange rock formations looking like an alien planet from "Star Trek".

One Tree Hill
A solitary tree, bursting out from a large stone mountain. Amazing.

Another strange rock formation near the end of the 2-mile loop at Split Rock in Joshua Tree National Park.

Queen Valley - Desert Queen Mine Trail
After walking the Split Rock Loop Trail, we drove along a dirt road toward Queen Valley to explore some of the area there. We had visited last time, hiking up to Pine City, but this time, wanted to see the old gold mine.

Along the path to Desert Queen Mine, not far from the overhead, is a stone foundation from an old cabin on the right which still has a bed frame in the "interior". It's difficult to call something the "interior" when it's this exposed.

The gold mine operated from 1895 to 1961, changing hands through the usual means: murder by shooting, deception, robbery, and bank foreclosure. Funny how all those are so often intermingled.

Another view of the machinery across the canyon from the Desert Queen Mine.

Another view, this time from "inside" the remains of the cabin's stone foundation, with the bed frame in the corner.

After the Queen Valley walk, Lisa wanted to stop off at the stone and tree area again to reshoot this in daylight. This is one of my favorite areas in the Park to photograph, photographing the area just two months ago.

This photo, taken between 3-4 pm, also includes the sun on this extremely pleasant winter day.

A view of the tree from a different angle. These were all taken near the Jumbo Rocks area. From there, we continued through the Park, going to the Hidden Valley area to walk around. Hidden Valley is another one of my favorite areas, and I planned on returning there later in the evening to take night photos.

After dinner at Palm Kabob Mediterranean Restaurant, which was good, I ventured back into the Park. Although the temperature was in the low 40s F, it was still ten degrees warmer than my previous night sky photography excursions just two months ago, which was nice.

This night sky photo was taken in Hidden Valley. I love taking photos of the desert during the day or night. At night, the desert takes on a whole different feel, and I love to try and convey that through photos.


Title: Looking For Flowers On The Moon
Info: Nikon D7000, Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8 lens, Feisol tripod. 25 second exposure at f/2.8, ISO 200. The rocks were "light painted" with a Dorcy LED flashlight.
Photographer: Ken Lee
Location: Joshua Tree National Park, CA USA


Title: Beauty is in the Eye of the Boulder
Info: Nikon D7000, Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8 lens, Feisol tripod. Exposure time 25 seconds at f/2.8, ISO 200. "Light painted" with a Dorcy flashlight and a wee bit of red from an Energizer headlamp.
Photographer: Ken Lee
Location: Joshua Tree National Park, California, USA.

Title: Sisyphus Has Left The Park
Info: Nikon D7000, Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8 lens, Feisol tripod. Exposure time 25 seconds at f/2.8, ISO 200. "Light painted" with a Dorcy flashlight and a wee bit of red from an Energizer headlamp.
Photographer: Ken Lee
Location: Joshua Tree National Park, California, USA.

Title: Blade Runner Nights
Info: Nikon D7000, Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8 lens, Feisol tripod. Exposure time 25 seconds at f/2.8, ISO 200. "Light painted" with a Dorcy flashlight and a wee bit of red from an Energizer headlamp.
Photographer: Ken Lee
Location: Joshua Tree National Park, California, USA.

A very narrow blade-like rock jutting forth from the desert floor.

"To quote John Coleman... 'GORRRRRGEOUS!'" - Dennis Mammana, astronomy writer, lecturer and sky photographer. His newspaper column "Stargazers" has run weekly since 1992, and his photos can be seen in national and international media. He has a degree in Astronomy from Vanderbilt, and is a member of TWAN (The World At Night), an international team of sky photographers.

Title: Casting Down Great Stones From Heaven II - The Sequel
Info: Nikon D7000, Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8 lens, Feisol tripod. Exposure time 30 seconds at f/2.8, ISO 200.
Photographer: Ken Lee
Location: Joshua Tree National Park, California, USA.

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Ken's photos of Nobel Peace Prize Winner Aung San Suu Kyi, as well as photos of Peru, Burma, India, Morocco, China, Thailand, Ghana, Ecuador, and elsewhere, have appeared in many books, magazines, websites, and galleries.  Visit the Ken Lee Photography Website. Some of Ken's select photos may be purchased through his Imagekind Store.

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Joshua Tree National Park, CA: Cary's Castle, Hidden Valley, Night Sky, Light Painting, February 2013

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